Promoting global affairs education has been an element of the Council on Foreign Relations' mission since its inception. CFR Academic connects educators and students of all ages to CFR's award-winning publications, innovative digital learning products, and acclaimed events featuring foreign policy experts for teaching and learning about international affairs. 

Teach & Learn

Model Diplomacy

How can you bring hypothetical scenarios based on real issues to life in your classroom? Model Diplomacy, a free and flexible interactive program, uses role-play to demonstrate the challenges of shaping U.S. foreign policy in an interconnected world.

CFR Podcast

Why It Matters

Stay updated on issues that affect the future with CFR's "Why It Matters" weekly podcast.


Understand how the world works—what the forces are, who the actors are, and how they interact to influence events of relevance to citizens' everyday lives. World101 offers primers on need-to-know topics.

Course Syllabus

Introduction to International Relations

Dr. Haass’s highly readable book and easy-to-adapt syllabus will help your students gain knowledge of international history and the regions of the world, and the awareness of global issues and governance challenges that they need to make informed choices as voters and citizens.

Teaching Notes


Sparks tells the story of how underground writers, filmmakers, and journalists are challenging one of the pillars of Communist Party rule: its control of history. In underground documentary films, samizdat magazines, and guerilla journalism, they document famines and political campaigns of years past and write about ethnic clashes and virus outbreaks of the present. Based on years of on-the-ground reporting, Sparks challenges the idea that independent thought in China has been crushed, revealing one of the world’s great battles of memory against forgetting—a struggle that will shape the China that emerges in the coming decades.


In Beijing's Global Media Offensive: China’s Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World, CFR's Joshua Kurlantzick analyzes China's attempts to become a media, information, and influence superpower, seeking for the first time to shape the domestic politics, local media, and information environments of the United States, East Asia, parts of Europe, and the broader world.

North Korea

In North Korea’s Foreign Policy: The Kim Jong-un Regime in a Hostile World, CFR’s Scott A. Snyder and University of British Columbia’s Kyung-Ae Park offer a robust examination of North Korean foreign policy under Kim Jong-un, including its domestic drivers, summitry diplomacy, and nuclear program.

Join the Conversation

CFR Academic offers a range of programs for educators and students to interact with CFR experts and to join the debate on foreign policy. The purpose is to foster a deeper understanding of international relations and the role of the United States in the world.

Academic Webinar

India and Great-Power Rivalry

Academic Webinars for Students

The CFR Academic Webinar series gives students the opportunity to speak directly with CFR fellows, Foreign Affairs authors, and other foreign policy practitioners.