CFR Staff

Jennifer Ahn

Research Associate, Korea Studies


G7 Attendance Highlights South Korea’s Growing Stature,” Pacific Forum, June 15, 2023. 

Challenges Ahead for U.S. Efforts to Quell South Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions,” East Asia Forum, June 3, 2023. 

Evaluating Extended Deterrence at the U.S.-South Korea Summit,” Council on Foreign Relations, May 2, 2023. 

Drivers and Implications of South Korea’s Nuclear Debate,” East Asia Forum, April 5, 2023.

Beyond U.S. Credibility Concerns: Factors Driving the Nuclear Weapons Debate in South Korea,” in The South Korean Nuclear Armament Debate, ed. Clint Work and Andy Hong (Korea Economic Institute, March 2023). 

The Evolution of South Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Policy Debate,” Council on Foreign Relations, August 16, 2022. 

South Korea’s Real Estate Policy and the Presidential Election,” Council on Foreign Relations, February 7, 2022.

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